Our vision
To support, nurture and empower children in order to transform their lives, now and in the future.

Our Mission
We have a relentless commitment to providing outstanding care for every child we look after. Working together with a shared culture of empathy, humanity and compassion, we create the space, safety and support to enable children to face their future with optimism and confidence. We build a bridge for every child from a difficult past to a brighter future.

Our values
Our values are based on the principle of CARE: Care for each other, care for the children we look after and care about what we do.

We collaborate in a spirit of openness and humility, recognising the multiple perspectives, unique contributions and commitment of all team members to the best possible care for our children.

We adopt a learning culture which promotes honesty above results, seeing our practice as a continuous process of reflection, adaptation and growth.

We respect and value everyone as an individual with their own strengths, needs and experiences and a shared humanity.

We respond with empathy and compassion and we treat each other as partners with a shared goal.
What Others Say About Us