Our vision

To support, nurture and empower children in order to transform their lives, now and in the future.

Our Mission

We have a relentless commitment to providing outstanding care for every child we look after. Working together with a shared culture of empathy, humanity and compassion, we create the space, safety and support to enable children to face their future with optimism and confidence. We build a bridge for every child from a difficult past to a brighter future.

Our values

Our values are based on the principle of CARE: Care for each other, care for the children we look after and care about what we do.



We collaborate in a spirit of openness and humility, recognising the multiple perspectives, unique contributions and commitment of all team members to the best possible care for our children.



We adopt a learning culture which promotes honesty above results, seeing our practice as a continuous process of reflection, adaptation and growth.



We respect and value everyone as an individual with their own strengths, needs and experiences and a shared humanity.



We respond with empathy and compassion and we treat each other as partners with a shared goal.

We just wanted to thank you all for the work you have done to support our son. Your care, kindness and expertise towards him has been outstanding, and despite everything, we have always felt so secure that he is safe with you guys and in the best possible place. The care teams are brilliant and the way they have persisted to bring him to where he is now has been amazing. What stands out is the way you have all been genuinely prepared to make this work for him, and your care and integrity have enabled him to make such progress.

The care teams are highly efficient, compassionate and dedicated to our child. He has made significant progress there. He has clearly built good relationships with his carers, who show a real understanding of him, his care history, family background and needs.

There has been a great turnaround with this young man. He has had a break from being in a very dangerous situation, and has engaged in activities and rebuilt his character and self-esteem. Although he was only with Wilderness for a short time, it has had a significant impact on his emotional wellbeing, safety and outlook on life.

I am truly taken aback by the level of care you have shown. The staff have gone out of their way to show him the attention and care that he has never had. When I visited him, it was like I was looking at a different child to what he was before he came. He was not like a child in care, he was like a child in a family. You have literally saved his life.